Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Aliu urges chiefs to open up to foreign volunteers

Political Pg 15 Feb/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

THE Vice President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, has asked chiefs and opinion leaders to fully open up to foreign volunteers, particularly, those in the teaching field, to enable them to contribute towards the training of the youth in the rural areas.
According to him, when such volunteers are given the right atmosphere and exposed to the Ghanaian culture, it will enabel them to feel much at home and also motivate them to give off their best.
Alhaji Mahama who gave the advise when four Japanese volunteers paid a courtesy call on him at the castle, Osu, today said “they need to know your language, your food types and how they are prepared and your way of doing many other things including your festivals”.
The volunteers who would be based in Cape Coast, Navrongo, Juanben and Donkorkrom will mainly teach science and mathematics, two of the major areas in the educational sector where many youth, particularly those in the rural areas shy away from.
The Vice President described the entry of the volunteers as timely saying “these two areas are very relevant to the socio-economic development of the country as it launches itself into the information communication technology (ICT) era.
He said the contribution of Japan to Ghana spanned many areas and commended the government and people of that country for its immense contribution towards the growth and prosperity of the country.
Alhaji Mahama mentioned the support of Japan to Ghana in the area of road construction and noted that Ghana would forever cherish the support and expressed the hope that the relationship would continue to grow.
He urged the volunteers to be steadfast and enjoy the Ghanaian hospitality to enable them to give off their best.
Mr Yutaka Nakamura, Charge d’ Affairs of the Japanese Embassy in Ghana, said Ghana had the largest number of Japanese volunteers in the world.
That, he attributed to the stable and friendly environment that they enjoyed whenever they were posted to Ghana.
He expressed the hope that from the friendship between the two countries would continue to be strengthened with the entry of the new volunteers.
The volunteers, Ms Yasuyo Suyama, Ms Yumi Seto, Ms Akiko Nakanishi and Ms Kaoruko Watanabe, in introducing themselves to the Vice President in the Ghanaian languages, also entertained him with some local songs.

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