Sunday, March 2, 2008

Volta Basin residents train in tree management

Back pg March 1/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine & Justina Ampadu-Nyarko

THE people living along the Volta Basin are to receive major training in tree management to enable them to contribute meaningfully to efforts to preserve water in the White, Black and Red Voltas.
The three Voltas serve as major tributaries to lakes, including the Volta Lake, which serve as major sources of hydro electricity for both Ghana and Burkina Faso
The Co-ordinator of the Project for Improving Water Governance in the Volta Basin (PAGEV), Mr Kwame Odame-Ababio, who said this at a day’s workshop for the steering committee of the project, said the move had become crucial because of activities along the basin which did not augur well for the future of the basin.
He said apart from the recent flooding in the three northern regions, activities such as bush burning and animal grazing had been identified as major causes of the unsuccessful tree planting project embarked on by PAGEV to protect the basin.
PAGEV is a joint project between Ghana and Burkina Faso to respond to the need for trans-boundary co-ordination and co-operation regarding the management of the Volta Basin.
It is also focused on seeking to strengthen the bilateral co-operation between the two countries on shared water resources and to demonstrate how water governance can be improved through the implementation of pilot activities.
The pilot activities include support for farmers in the form of seedlings to establish vegetable farms in the dry season, while others are supported with water pumps and watering cans to increase cropping areas for vegetable farming during the dry season.
The acting Executive Secretary of the Water Resources Commission, Mr Ben Ampomah, said the commission had pledged to give the needed support and encouragement to PAGEV to achieve its stated objectives.
“The commission pledges to continue offering its support, first to promote an important local consultative structure initiative and, second, towards the attainment of the goals of PAGEV that identifies with the vision of the commission of ensuring sustainable water management for all, by all,” he said.

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