Thursday, April 17, 2008

Real estate developers must use quality wiring accesories

Business page April 17/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

THE Managing Director of Batimat (Gh). Limited, Mr Khalil El Ali, has called on real estate developers and building contractors to use high quality wiring accessories to protect their investments from fire.
“Using substandard switches and electric plugs among others could easily cause fire to destroy all the investments put into the structures”, he added, and commended the Ghana Standards Board (GSB) for coming out with standards for the importation of similar products into the country.
Mr Ali made the call at the launch of one of the world’s leading brands in wiring accessories, legrand, as the latest addition to its array of household and office equipment in Accra.
The French-made accessories mostly switches, push-buttons and control units, come in more than 50,000 forms meant to fit into any condition.
“We should be able to spend a little more to save our properties we spend a whole lot of money to put up because it is worth it”, he emphasised.
Mr Ali said there were many inferior wiring accessories on the market which easily sparked fire and without doubt, attributed the many fires in the country to the use of sub-standard brands.
He said Batimat as the sole distributor of the legrand brand of wiring accessories had managed to negotiate affordable prices for the products to meet the pockets of all.
“What we have may be slightly higher than what is on the market but it is because of the quality and that should not deter potential customers but rather drag them to buy quality products”.
Mr Ali said the company was going to adopt an innovative marketing strategy to get the product to the people.
He said the aim of the company was to capture the market within the next one and a half years adding that “I know Ghanaians love quality and would want to spend when they believe in the product and the brand”.
Mr Ali reiterated his appreciation to the GSB for its resolve to wipe out the brands of wiring accessories from the market to save the properties and investments of the people.
He said in order to prove the quality of the brand, the company would guarantee the product acquired from the company for a minimum of two years.
The Area Sales Manager of the Gulf of Guinea for legrand, Mr Ludovic Maileau described the accessories as one of the best on the international market.
Using a powerpoint illustration, he said the brand had been made from high quality products which prevented sparks that could easily start fire.

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