Monday, August 11, 2008

Committee to meet NPP, NDC over allegations

Page 53 (lead) August 11/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

THE Enforcement Committee of the Political Parties Code of Ethics is to meet the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) over the disturbances and counter-allegations between the two with regard to the on-going voter registration exercise.
The parties have been at each other’s throat as each is accusing the other of being behind the ‘bussing’ of people from one town to another to register, bribery and the registration of minors, among others, in separate news conferences to air their grievances to the public.
Reverend Fred Degbe, President of the Christian Council of Ghana and Chairman of the committee, expressing his frustration, told the Daily Graphic that he wondered why the parties bypassed the committee to hold news conferences to register their displeasure.
He noted that before the meeting, scheduled for next Thursday, all the parties would have to work quickly to defuse the rising tension between them to save the situation from escalating into what might undermine the peace and stability of the nation.
The reverend minister was responding to questions as to how the council felt about the developments between the two leading parties and their impact on the upcoming general election, which the two parties have tagged as the ‘Mother of All Elections’.
Since the registration of new voters began some eight days ago, there have been long queues at the various registration centres and there have been numerous reports of parties bringing busloads of people to register.
There have also been reports of fighting among supporters who refuse to allow prospective voters to register on suspicion that they are minors.
Reverend Degbe said the developments on the ground were not healthy for a nation such as Ghana, which has won the hearts of the world as a peaceful, stable and hospitable country.
He said the leaders of the political parties must be cautious and desist from any act that would undermine the integrity of the country.
Reverend Degbe expressed optimism that the meeting would result in something positive that would ensure a smooth registration exercise and a subsequent peaceful elections in December.

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