Thursday, September 18, 2008

My first day at school

Page 21 (lead) September 18/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

VICE-President Aliu Mahama has challenged parents to complement the government’s effort at ensuring quality education for their children.
“The government has provided the environment for sound teaching and learning and what behoves the parents is to ensure that they keep a close eye on their [children] to do what is expected of them at school,” he added.
Alhaji Mahama threw the challenge when he visited some selected schools in Accra to welcome fresh pupils to kindergarten and primary one as part of “My First Day @ School” programme of the government.
Accompanied by the Minister of State in charge of Education and Sports, Ms Elizabeth Ohene, the Vice-President first visited the Burma Camp cluster of schools where he distributed Golden Tree chocolates, exercise books, pencils and footballs to welcome the new pupils to school.
Upon arrival at the school at exactly 10.45 am, the school band played the national anthem for the Vice-President to take the national salute before moving to the classrooms to welcome the kids.
Alhaji Mahama, in a short address to the pupils, asked them to be disciplined and attentive at all times to ensure that they grasp what their teachers would teach them.
He said he and the members of his entourage all began like them and strived hard by taking their lessons seriously to become what they are today.
The Vice-President said reading was also another important thing that they needed not to forget, since that would enhance their understanding of what they were taught.
Alhaji Mahama and his entourage then left for the Association International Infant School at the Airport Residential Area where he also distributed similar products to welcome the new pupils.
He also used the occasion to inaugurate the GH¢47,000 renovated school block.
While there, he charged the pupils to ensure that they did their home work at all times.
He also encouraged them to take sporting activities seriously because that would help them to refresh their minds.
Alhaji Mahama also visited schools at Kwabenya and Taifa where he distributed exercise books, pencils and footballs among other items to the new pupils.
He told the parents of the pupils who were around to ensure that they paid attention to the needs of their kids to enable them to grow to become responsible citizens.
“Among these are lawyers, medical doctors and professionals in many areas but the talents will not be unearthed if they are not assisted to tap them while they are young,” he said.
He said the government was working hard to extend the school feeding programme to many more schools while the Capitation Grant was also being improved.

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