Friday, October 31, 2008

RPD also picks woman running-mate

Page 3 (lead), October 15/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

THE Reformed Patriotic Democrats (RPD) has chosen a Cape Coast-based business woman, Ms Rosemond Abraham, as the running mate of the party’s presidential aspirant, Mr Kwabena Adjei.
The 40-year-old woman, who called at the offices of the Daily Graphic in Accra yesterday, in the company of the flag bearer, was one of three candidates presented for the party to choose from.
The selection of Ms Abraham comes two days to the filing of nominations by presidential and parliamentary candidates with the Electoral Commission (EC) and 24 hours after the People’s National Convention (PNC) had selected another woman as the running mate of Dr Edward Mahama.
Speaking to the Daily Graphic after her introduction, Ms Abraham, who was until her selection the Women’s Organiser of the RPD, said, “I am well groomed to partner the flag bearer of our party to victory because of my passion for women.”
She said the urgency to get more women involved in the development of the country had become more crucial now than before and indicated that her selection was in recognition of that fact.
“I’m aware that women are a formidable force to reckon with in national development and I will not fail,” Ms Abraham added.
She gave the assurance that under her leadership, and with the support of Mr Adjei, women would be seen at the forefront of many issues in the country “because it is through this that we will see real growth”.
On health, she said doctors and nurses had been demotivated under the NPP administration and pledged her desire to ensure that that sector, which dealt with the health of the nation, was given the needed attention.
Ms Abraham also expressed her resolve to end the challenges that teachers went through.
“Our teachers have suffered for far too long and that is why we have experienced many strikes by them,” she said, and pledged to end that pattern.
She said the RPD was in to win the election and would not toy with its chances, adding, “I will put in my all to ensure a resounding victory that will surprise many.”
She ended with a call on the electorate to vote out the ruling NPP.
Mr Adjei, alias Bambaata, for his part, justified his selection of Ms Abraham, saying, “She has demonstrated her ability to partner me to clinch victory.”
He said at an emergency meeting of the party’s National Executive last Monday, his choice was unanimously endorsed, saying that demonstrated the confidence the executive had in Ms Abraham.
Asked why he did not follow the other parties which selected mostly people from the north as running mates of their flag bearers, he said, “I have a lot of respect for northerners and Muslims, but it just happened that the National Executive endorsed Ms Abraham, whom the northerners and the Muslims in the party felt was well positioned to give the party victory.”

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