Friday, October 31, 2008

Will of electorate must prevail

Spread (lead), October 25/2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

THE Vice-President, Alhaji Aliu Mahama, has called on the electorate to allow their will to prevail in the selection of whoever they deem fit to rule the country.
"These elections should not be a life-or-death affair because we stand to lose credibility in the eyes of the international community should we allow this to degenerate into chaos," he said.
The Vice-President, who made the call when the visiting Governor of Kano State in Nigeria, Alhaji Ibrahim Shekarau, called on him at the Castle, Osu, yesterday, noted that the government had prepared the ground to ensure peaceful elections.
The Kano State Governor is in the country to attend the African Islamic Shariah Conference which is expected to commence in Accra today.
Alhaji Mahama said the government had experience in overseeing successful elections in the country and was using that experience to ensure that this year's elections did not degenerate into anything that would mar the reputation of the country.
"We know the world is watching and we are not going to disappoint them in any way," he added.
Alhaji Mahama asked Africans to ensure that they did not allow their traditional practices to deprive others of their rights.
He said each person had a right and that it was up to us to ensure that people performed their duties and activities as per their right but according to law.
The Vice-President also recounted the good relations between the two countries and indicated that the bond of friendship should not be allowed to wane "but be made to grow stronger".
Alhaji Shekarau, for his part, wished Ghana well in its elections in December.
"We expect Ghana to go through this elections peacefully so that it will continue to play its role in ensuring peace on the continent," he added.
Alhaji Shekarau said the relationship between the two countries had grown and expressed the hope that it would grow stronger, to the benefit of their people.

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