Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Akufo-Addo meets Aliu

Political page Jan 15, 2007

Story: Charles Benoni Okine

VICE President Alhaji Aliu Mahama, has advised the presidential candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, to adopt an open and transparent campaign strategy to be able to attract grassroots support.
“Do not listen to people too much about what they are doing on the ground for you; Get to the grassroots yourself and touch the ordinary people with your message because it is then that they will know you care about them”, he added.
Alhaji Mahama gave the advise when Nana Akufo-Addo paid a courtesy call on him at his residence at Cantonments in Accra yesterday.
The visit, according to the NPP flagbearer was to renew the bond of friendship between the two after a heated but lively campaign in their bid to annex the position as the leader of the ruling party as well as wish him a happy and a prosperous new year.
At the last historic congress of the party to elect a flagbearer, Nana Akufo-Addo beat the Vice President to 3rd place.
“We do not have enough time to waste now and we need to get to the ground to ensue that we win power once again”, the Vice President said.
He said task ahead of the party was enormous and nothing should be left to chance if the NPP was to retain power.
“The party cannot afford to lose to the opposition because we have done a lot and we need to continue with our good works to bring prosperity to the good people of Ghana”, Alhaji Mahama said.
He described Nana Akufo-Addo as a capable person with rich experience, foresight and knowledge to be able to do what the party expects in the 2008 general elections.
“I respect him a lot because he is one of the main chaps within the government at the time who showed a lot of respect for me as the Vice President of the country”, he recalled.
Alhaji Mahama said since all the aspirants have pledged their support for Nana, the party was sure to go places and advised against any form of complacency.
He pledged to do all he could to ensure that the NPP presidential candidate enjoys a smooth campaign period.
“My campaign team is available for you and I believe should you tap their knowledge and experience, it would go to the advantage of this great party.
Vice President Mahama wished Nana Akufo-Addo well in his campaign and reiterated his full support for him.
Earlier, Nana Akufo-Addo stated that his campaign process could be incomplete without the support of the Vice President.
Amidst cheers from his campaign team he said the contribution of the Vice President in the past and present to the success of the party cannot be under-estimated and pledged his commitment to seek any form of advise to make his bid stronger.
“I know he has a role to play in the victory and sustenance of the party”, he added.
He admitted that during the campaign each aspirant was busy and could, therefore, not have enough time for each other and noted that now that the contest was over, there was the need to reunite and forge ahead to enable the party to retain power.

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