Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mahama to ensure equitable distribution of wealth

Politics Jan 19, 2008

Story: Charles Benoni Okine
THE presidential candidate of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Dr Edward Mahama, has pledged to ensure an equitable distribution of the national cake.
He said it was only fair that the wealth of the nation was shared equally among the people, not enjoyed by a few.
Dr Mahama made the pledge when he visited members of the Christian Council of Ghana in Accra on Thursday.
“We have all worked for our wealth and we must all enjoy it equally, according to our contributions,” he said.
Dr Mahama, who was recently overwhelmingly elected for the fourth time as the leader and flag bearer of the PNC at its last congress, said the wealth of the country was presently being enjoyed by a few.
“It is against this background that we need a selfless leader who will think about all of us,” he said.
He wondered how some of the former ministers of the ruling party were able to fund their campaigns across the country and also paid GH¢25,000 as nomination fees.
He said the ruling party had displayed wealth it did not have seven years ago and called on Ghanaians to vote for him to care for them.
Dr Mahama said so long as Ghana continued to have slums because of poverty, while others displayed affluence, crime and other forms of corruption would exist.
He debunked speculations that the PNC was a small party and could, therefore, not win power, saying, “It is through the votes of the people who say so that the party can grow bigger to win power and do what the people want.”
Dr Mahama said the suffering of the people must end and noted that he was the only one among the other candidates who was capable of doing so.
He commended the council for its role in ensuring peace in the country and called for continuous prayers for him as he journeyed across the country to canvass votes for his bid.
Rev Dr Fred Degbey, the President of the council, thanked the PNC flag bearer for the visit and noted that the council was prepared to receive any other candidate.
He said the council played a crucial role in the governance of the country, although it was not partisan, and pledged its commitment to continue with its advocacy programmes.

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